From the Editors Desk
The grand celebration of World Siddha Day
World Siddha Doctors Meet 2011
In continuation of the resolution passed by the General Body including Siddha Committee of Central Council of India Medicine held on 27th august 2008, World Siddha day took its grand shape in National Institute of Siddha on 14th April 2009. It is a milestone in the History of Siddha, It was really a great celebration with opening of Thirumoolar statue in the campus of NIS, an apex Institute of Siddha by the Goverment of Tamil Nadu and Government of India
As per the Tamil culture Vasantha Kaalam ( Elaveenil) falls in Chitirai and that too on Full Moon Day ( Pournami), the people of Tamil Nadu have the belief that Siddhars assemble on the same day to plan for the welfare of the humanity. Following this, even today Siddha Practitioners visit Pothigai malai—Agathiyar Mottai and celebrate the day as as Agathiyar Festival.
This same day only the blooming of the Earth occurs i.e. Pooneeru appears on the earth . Every year Pooneeru proves the relationship between the creatures in earth and stars in the Galaxy including moon.
Due to some objections raised by a few people in our Head Quarters, this year World Siddha Day was celebrated as World Siddha Doctors Meet under the Chairmanship of Dr.V.Stanley Jones and Dr.V.Arunachalam was the Coordinator.
I am proud to play a role as Joint Secretary of the Committee and I am very thankful to Dr.V.Stanly Jones , Dr.V.Arunachalam, Dr.S.Boopathiraj and Dr.N.Sellamuthu who were the foundation pillars of World Siddha Day. I assure that we will overcome any hurdles in the future and the World Siddha Day will be celebrated every year in a grand manner.
Dr.D. Velayudam