Friday, June 10, 2011

news letter of TMK-Chennai May-2011

          FORESTS 2011

The International Year of Forests 2011 (Forests 2011) logo is designed to convey the theme of “Forests for People” celebrating the central role of people in the sustainable management, conservation and sustainable development of our world’s forests.
     The iconographic elements in the design depict some of the multiple values of forests and the need for a 360degree perspective: forests provide shelter to people and habitat to biodiversity; are a source of food, medicine and clean water; and play a vital role in maintaining a stable global climate and environment.
   All of these elements taken together reinforce the message that forests are vital to the survival and well being of people everywhere, all 7 billion of us.
Forests cover 31% of total land area .
The livelihoods of 1.6 billion people depend on forests.
Forests provide a home to more than 300 million people worldwide .
The total global trade in forest products was valued at around $379 billion in 2005 .Forests are home to 80% of terrestrial biodiversity

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